
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

my paint

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First we went to room 8 and sit in a circle. Miss Morrison showed us a painter called Jackson Pollock then she showed us what to do.

We go and stand in a line and go outside. We had to go find a stick to put in the paint so we could flick it. We got our cardboard and I chose sky blue and next was bright red paint. I lift my arm up and flick the paint on the paper. The paint went everywhere, even on my arms and hands. Next I got brown and did anything. Then I went and got another paper and did it again.

I feel great because it was nice to run around outside. I feel sweaty. I want to do it again.


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Blindfold Challenge

Today we play a blindfold challenge. We had to put the blindfold over our eyes and go to touch the wall. My buddy was Lopiseni and he told me to turn left and turn right and go on my knees. I feel scared because I might hurt myself. My blindfold was tight and I couldn’t see. Lopi told me to put my feet up and step over. I go and touch the wall and I come back and Lopi told me we did it! I put the blindfold on Lopi and I tell Lopi to go straight and step over  the chair and I tell him to turn left and right. I tell him to turn left and he did it and we came first. I felt scared because I don’t see anything.
I want to do it again because its good for me and Lopi feels good but I feel scared.