
Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Rugby is better than Netball

I believe that rugby is better than netball cause it is more physical and makes u more fit and you get paid more money.

I think that rugby is better cause rugby is more exercise and get more fit also more money and netball players only have to stand still when they get the ball.

I Agree that Rugby makes thousands of dollars but netball makes 1.5 Million dollars Which is shocking.

My first reason is that you have more energy to run 109.4 yard around the field, and netball fields are 8.30 meters which is small for warm up running. Shawn Johnson is a Rugby legend and has made 10 million dollars over the years.  

Cars should be Banned!
I believe that  cars should be banned because global warming is a disaster for homeless people and they might sweat and may thirst.

I think that cars should be banned and just walk also block the motorway so it can be used for walking and biking.

I agree that